Command line options

Any glumpy program can be started with some options that can override pretty much any settings. Among the most interesting options, the --record allows to record a movie in mp4 format and the --fps allows to set the framerate (default is 60 frames per second).


--backend, -b
Backend to use, one of glfw, sdl2, pyside, pyglet, sdl, osxglut. Default is glfw.
--interactive, -i:

Interactive mode


Option -i must come after program name, for example python -i

--framerate, -f:

Framerate (in frames per second), default is 60.


If you want full acceleration (maximum framerate), you can use -f 0.

Vertical synchronization, disabled by default.
--size SIZE, -s SIZE:
Window initial size
--position POSITION, -p POSITION:
Window initial position


Display framerate in the console
--debug, -d:
Verbose debug mode
Record a movie (default is “movie.mp4”)

Open GL

--gl-api API:
OpenGL API to use, one of GL or ES, default is GL
--gl-version VERSION:
GL version, default is 2.1
--gl-profile PROFILE:
GL context profile (only relevant for GL > 3.0), one of none, core, compatibility.
sRGB mode (gamma correction), disabled by default.
--depth-size SIZE:
Depth buffer size in bits, default is 16.
--stentil-size SIZE:
Stencilbuffer size in bits, default is 0 (no stencil).
Single buffer mode. Not recommended, default is double buffer mode.
Stereo mode, disabled by default.