Glumpy documentation


Glumpy is an OpenGL-based interactive visualization library in Python. Its goal is to make it easy to create fast, scalable, beautiful, interactive and dynamic visualizations. The main documentation for the site is organized into a couple of sections:

Development status

Glumpy is still under active development (as of January 2016) and is already pretty much useable (for the hacker). Furture development includes:

  • Short term (6 months):
    • Documentation (work in progress)
    • Collection update mechanism
    • Write the Wx2,Wx3 and GTK3 backends
    • Write some real-world user case examples (any idea ?)
  • Long term (2/3 years):

You can help by reporting bugs & typos, writing (or asking for) some examples in your scientific domain, writing documentation, hiring me for one year to work fulltime on glumpy, etc.

Developer Documentation